For time:
10 pullups
2 DB jump squats 20/35 ea. (must touch DBs to the floor each rep)
9 pullups
4 DB jump squats 20/35 ea.
8 pullups
6 DB jump squats 20/35 ea.
7 pullups
8 DB jump squats 20/35 ea.
6 pullups
10 DB jump squats 20/35 ea.
5 pullups
12 DB jump squats 20/35 ea.
4 pullups
14 DB jump squats 20/35 ea.
3 pullups
16 DB jump squats 20/35 ea.
2 pullups
18 DB jump squats 20/35 ea.
1 pullups
20 DB jump squats 20/35 ea.
Post time to comments.
Group Run Tmrw night @7:15 @ GPP HQ
Tri-Team Swim Wednesday morning @ 5 am @ South Davis Rec.
13 Weeks until Canyonlands 1/2 marathon
It turns out that holding your hands this way makes a huge difference with wrist pain. We don't suggest you do this every time. We prefer you get your wrists used to doing it the right way. It will take about a year. But, next time we do TOR back-to-back again, this works pretty good to prevent pain. ONLY in your wrists though. Your thighs are on their own.