Daily Zoom …
If you missed the Zoom Workout this morning, HERE IS THE LINK!
(start the recording at minute 9:45)
Daily Workout …
50 DB biceps curls (strict) 15/20 ea. (beg <2:00, int <1:30, adv <1:00)
Tabata burpees (beg >3, int >5, adv >8)
50 OH triceps ext 15/20 (beg <2:00, int <1:30, adv <1:00)
Tabata KB swings 25/35 (beg >8, int >11, adv >15)
50 v-ups (beg <2:15, int <1:40, adv <1:10)
Tabata stair switches (beg >16, int >22, adv >25)
50 jump squats (beg <2:00, int <1:30, adv <1:00)
run/walk 1 mile
Post times and reps to comments. It’s best if you write them down as we go. We’ll pause only for this, that’ll be your rest.
Workout Notes:
Masters: 35 reps should do you. Interested in seeing the times and reps. Please post.
Tabata = 20 sec “on” 10 sec “off” x8.
Count the stair switches R+L=1.
If you can’t get outside to do that mile due to social distancing, do ALL of the Tabatas again.
If your triceps are fried from the 2 workouts this week, go ahead and cut some of the OH.
The higher your jump squat is, the more you’ll get out of them.
Keep moving to keep HR up.
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