Daily Workout:

5 rounds for time:

20 twist punch R M/H
20 twist punch L M/H
20 plank snatch  R 15/20
20 plank snatch L 15/20
20 tick tocks R 25/35
20 tick tocks L 25/35
20 box jumps

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To watch our Zoom Workout from this morning, click HERE! (Start at 15:25 min.)

Meeting ID: 984 7952 6053

Workout Notes:

  1. Masters: 4 Rounds, 15 Reps

  2. Twist Punches - You have to move your feet on these.  Shift your weight back and forth with every rep.  Also, this movement is more about generating momentum from the hips (twist) to "throw" the punch.   Don't just push the band with you arm.      

  3. Plank Snatches - Again, generate momentum by twisting your hips.  If you are using your R hand to do a plank snatch, your starting point on the ground will be L of your mid-line.  Rotate the DB to the top of the movement using the stronger muscle groups of your torso.  When the weight is at the top of the movement, your hips will be nearly stacked.   

  4. Tick Tocks - These are only effective when you tilt to a point of stretch on BOTH the L and the R of the each movement. Friends should NOT let friends do tick-tocks with a weight in both hands.  It's the only way to make a funny looking movement (really, it is - but, it FRICKIN works - so, we do it) look funnier.  A weight should ONLY be in 1 hand.  Weights in both hands off-set each other.  You just as well put them both down and stand there leaning back and forth. 

  5. Box Jumps - There are variations and progressions of the box jump. If you are unable to do a full box jump, ask your trainer what they recommend for you. Or, watch this for the OG Box Jump. A stair will do just fine for the home version of this movement.

  6. What can be done with a KB can be done with a DB.

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