Masters GPP
400m run
Complete 3 rounds of the couplet before moving on::
5 dead lifts AHAP
5 lat pull downs AHAP
400m run
Complete 3 rounds of the couplet before moving on::
5 OH BB Press AHAP
15 high weighted situps 15/20
400m run
Complete 3 rounds of the couplet before moving on::
5 DB biceps curls (strict) AHAP
5 OH triceps ext. AHAP
400m run
Post weights used and overall impressions of this new workout to comments.
Standard GPP
400m run
Complete 5 rounds of the couplet before moving on:
5 dead lifts AHAP
5 lat pull downs AHAP
400m run
Complete 5 rounds of the couplet before moving on:
5 OH BB Press AHAP
15 high weighted situps 15/20
400m run
Complete 5 rounds of the couplet before moving on:
5 DB biceps curls (strict) AHAP
5 OH triceps ext. AHAP
400m run
Post weights used and overall impressions of this new workout to comments.
Daily Extras -
Run 800m for your first and last runs in place of the 400m runs.
Workout Notes:
It’s been a week since we dropped this new workout on you. Gotta bring it back today.
These reps are supposed to be HEAVY. Not one max rep heavy, but as heavy as you can safely lift for 5 reps.
Rest as needed between sets. This isn’t meant to be a soul crusher.
You’ll need to warm up with lighter weights before going AHAP.
If you are STUPID SORE like me, do the masters. Ha! YES, even if your aren’t over 40.
You may do the couplets in any order.
Note the rep count on the high weighted situp.
If the joints in your arms or shoulders are wrecked, drop the arm couplet, but still do the corresponding run.
More thoughts on the workout in the FaceBook Live video (right) …