complete 25 inchworms
run a slow 800
Complete 4 rounds of:
8 deadlifts 95/135
8 pullups
8 BB push press 65/95
800m jog 65%
Post done or weights used per round to comments.
Workout Notes:
OK, last time we did this there were mixed reviews. You mostly liked it, but a couple of you hated. Mainly you hated it because "it didn't feel very hard."
That's because you may have done it wrong.
This workout is intended to be heavy (if you are ready for it). The numbers I suggest for weights aren’t even going to be close for most vets. If you fall into this category, shoot for weights at 80-85% of your 1RM.
1RM = One Rep Max. If you don't know your numbers, come a little early, warm-up and figure max. Thing is, I don't love the thought of heavy 1RMs. The risk to benefit ratio leans a little too far toward "risk", for me. If you are feeling froggy, go ahead and leap. Just understand the risks associated with doing so (i.e. potential injury). Otherwise, check out this article. Many experts have gone to great lengths to help you figure your 1RM without actually doing a 1RM. HERE is that page. Check it out.
Runs are meant to be recovery runs. Jog at a pace your HR will come down to normal. It’s still a jog though.
During the lifting portion of this workout you should be at 80%+ of max capacity - THIS ASSUMES PERFECT FORM. To keep your intensity level above 80% you'll need to move quickly during and between exercises. Follow this up with immediate active recovery.
Running is the best form of cardio for this workout.
This doesn't need to be said, but I'll write it for the rookies ... FORM is key here. If you aren't sure of form please back down the weight and speeds of movement and simply work on creating great movement patterns.
If you do your "bursts at the right intensity (80%+), the LAST thing you'll want to do upon finishing is take off running. But you must - IMMEDIATELY. Initially HR will be WAY above 65%. Don't panic you have 5 mins to regulate. Maintain a solid recovery pace for as long as HR continues to drop. It may take 2 mins or so. If you haven't recovered within 2 - 2 1/2 mins - SLOW DOWN.
Also, be prepared for some HR creep. Over this approx 25-30 min workout HR will gradually incr. You'll need to slow your active recovery pace more than before in order to recover toward the end of the workout.
Hope to see your comments. Believe it or not, when creating and programming workouts, I always go back and look at the last couple of times we did this. I pick steady commentators and compare their numbers. It helps me know what we should do tomorrow/next week/ next month etc. Ever wonder how you continue to get stronger year after year? - thanks to your comments, I know what should come next.
We saw this beautiful little guy skittering across the trail on our Sunday morn MTB ride. I’d never seen one before. It turns out they are quite common though. Know what it is? How about it’s nickname? Have you seen one?