Musings …
Your “Challenges” this week!
(actual workout begins at 21:15 on recording)
If link doesn’t work, copy and paste url to browser:
4 rounds from home.
15 OL SLD R 15/20
15 OL uni bent rows R 15/20
15 OL uni biceps curls R 15/20
15 OL uni OH press R 15/20
repeat for L
Rest 30 sec between each round.
Post total falls per round to comments.
Daily Extras -
Run 1 mile
Workout Notes:
Will count this one OTC for you at 8am MDT. Please join us. Share it around. Folks need their workout.
OL = One Legged
To do this workout, you must perform the exercises above while standing on one leg only.
Always stand on the leg which is opposite of the hand working. So, if you are doing reps with your R hand, you should be standing on your L leg. This improves your core strength in a cross-sectional manner.
It is your goal to never set the lofted foot down at ANY time during the side of the round. This includes transitions between exercises. You may, of course, set it down briefly when switching to the other side (from R to L).
A lot of folks get cramps in the down foot. Try to relax. Keep your weight in your heels.
Try taking your shoes off.
"Cross-Sectonal" is a workout we've been doing for years outside of GPP with our professional and collegiate teams. Its benefits are unique. You'll feel this workout in all the places you'd expect (SLDs, of course, beat up your hammys) and, surprisingly, in places you'd never imagine (you'll see what I mean when you get to those OL uni bent rows).
We are keeping the rep scheme relatively low today (15 vs our usual 20 rep sets). We do this with hopes that you'll focus and concentrate on staying on one foot ONLY through an entire side of a round. Really fight for your balance today. This is an entirely different workout for those who keep that foot in the air, vs for those who allow for more tap downs (falls) than they really need. If you find yourself endlessly teetering and hopping around while trying keep your foot up and do these exercises - you're doing it right!
Do your reps slowly.
GPP Home Fitness Workout Demo:
Workouts you can follow at home with very limited equipment (1 single DB) is our answer to this COVID-19 problem.
Calling on all who see this to self-quarantine. I do this with hopes we can slow the spread of this terrible and potentially life-threatening illness. I will keep these HOME workouts coming throughout this year.
A strong body, mind and spirit will be our best tool to stay healthy.
Please pass these workouts around to those who’ll need them! Thank you.