Daily Zoom …
Click HERE to watch the recording.
Daily Workout …
AMRAP for 4 min, then rest 2 min:
AMRAP for 4 min, then rest 2 min:
10 burpees
20 OH triceps ext 15/20
AMRAP for 4 min, then rest 2 min:
20 box switches (R+L=1)
10 v-ups
AMRAP for 4 min, then rest 2 min:
Post "Rx" to comments.
Daily Extras - Do 2 min cardio during the 2 min rest.
You’ll have to hurry back to the workout, so give yourself a few seconds to transition.
Workout Notes:
Masters … Go at 75% intensity.
GPP has open gym during non-coached class times. Click HERE to sign up for a 45 min. slot.
There has been much confusion on how this workout is supposed to be performed. It’s always been billed as an EMOM, but we have been coaching it as an AMRAP. The executive decision was made to change it to the AMRAP it was always meant to be. Post thoughts about this to comments.
This workout is meant to be an ALL-OUT 4 min sprint! Just sit-down, shut-up, push hard and holdthehellon!
If you are pacing yourself during the 4 min, you are doing a different workout than we posted.
A lot of folks will be doing the v-ups on the box. You know, that sit down and lift your legs thing while you crunch? That's all-good, but you'll get more out of it by running to the mat, or just dropping to the floor and doing REAL Vs.
Vets might need more weight for the triceps.
If your HR isn't in the sky (or, if you are feeling froggy) during the KB couplet, consider a bigger KB 35/55.
Daily HOME Workout …
AMRAP for 4 min, then rest 2 min:
10 DB lat pullovers 15/20
20 squats
AMRAP for 4 min, then rest 2 min:
10 burpees
20 OH triceps ext 15/20
AMRAP for 4 min, then rest 2 min:
20 stair switches (R+L=1)
10 v-ups
AMRAP for 4 min, then rest 2 min:
For “Workout Notes” see Daily Workout above. Post "Rx" to comments.
Daily Touch …
AMRAP not EMOM, Master’s Class Wednesday night, Rich Manning on Podcast, Classes at RAC free!
Don’t miss this tonight!
Return to Real Podcast …
Is soccer a perfect sport? The head coach of the women's soccer team at the University of Utah, Rich Manning says, "nope". Rich joins Return to Real host Neil Anderson about the three things that make up the "next play attitude" and how to apply the concept in your life and fitness.