Warm up -
20 squats (air)
200m row
30 squats (air)
400 m row
40 squats (air)
800 m row
Workout -
10 back squats AHAP
10 assisted pistols (ea. leg)
rest 1-3 min.
8 back squats AHAP
8 assisted pistols (ea. leg)
rest 1-3 min.
6 back squats AHAP
6 assisted pistols (ea. leg)
rest 3-5 min.
4 back squats AHAP
4 assisted pistols (ea. leg)
rest 3-5 min.
2 back squats AHAP
2 assisted pistols (ea. leg)
rest 3-5 min.
burnout front squats (use 50% of weight used on 2 rep set)
Post weights used to comments.
Daily Extras - Repeat the warm-up
Workout Notes:
Usually this workout calls for a front squat. But it's been a while since we barred up a BS and got low.
The is an indication of the winter variant of this workout.
Get low on those pistols. Try to sit right down on your calves with each rep. Today, these are programmed more for their flexibility and balance benefits, than for strength benefits. You'll get both.
Some of you have noticed that our programming is a little off-kilter. Today should be a pull day, but after hitting 50 pullups yesterday, we need to the let your shoulder joints rest. They are too intricate to chance an overload. Plus your hands will thank me for this. Next week, we'll get back on schedule.
"But Neil, we did squats yesterday too." I know but the hips, knees and ankle joints are more robust. They can not only take a daily hammering, they are, in fact, built for it. Plus we were in a different metabolic pathway yesterday (except the warm-up).
Musings ...
Why Don't You Program Weeks in Advance?
I think it's every trainer's responsibility to train his/her clients day to day. One of the thoughts I value the most is knowing that when you sit down and pull up the GPP Daily Workout tonight, that you know the reason I put that workout up is because it is what fits the MOMENT.
Right THIS frickin moment.
I believe health through fitness is a moving target. That if you try to hit that target from long way away, even a week, you'll, more often than not, miss the target. The closer you are to that moving target the more likely you will hit a bulls-eye. And I'm a minimalist. I won't do even ONE more rep of ONE more set than I HAVE to. I'm willing to do the hard stuff. Just not interested in doing more.
It's my opinion that programming done right, is programming done daily. Trainers who program weeks and months ahead of time are lazy and disinterested in their clientele.
Not only that, they can't possibly believe in their own programming. Test them. Bet you they aren't doing their own stuff. More likely, they spend a half day banging on keys (programming?), sending their ham-fisted junk out to their paying clients. Once they get their obligations out of the way, they spend the rest of their free time creating more interesting/effective stuff for themselves and their friends. That this commonly occurs in the personal training industry has always baffled me. Why would a trainer who is keenly interested bodybuilding try to teach another method of training (strength training, Oly lifting, weight loss, GPP, etc.) to their clients? Isn't that like a Mormon trying to teach Catholicism?
Trust me, if you want to be Catholic, don't ask a Mormon how to do it. Yes, the differences are subtle, but folks have died over these differences, right?
Back to my point, I believe programming is a living, breathing thing. What looks good on paper, scheduled a week out from now, won't necessarily work in real life. In fact, it might actually mess you up. There are too many variables in a training program (metabolic adaptation, grip fatigue, core exhaustion, leg strength, foot pain, hand rips, shoulder strain, etc.) to expect folks to conform to the programming. Instead, the programming needs to conform to you. The only way for a programmer to truly get it right is to be actively involved in their own programming - personally - day-to-day!
So very cool! THIS is how you Burst Cycle! Strong work Tracy!