Done in any order:

2 sets of 10 SLS2S R 15" target
2 sets of 10 SLS2S L 15" target
3 sets of 8 fr squats (heavy)


2 rounds for time:

25 ski squats M/H
25 V-ups
25 squat box jumps
25 power cleans 65/95
250 m row

Post weights used & time to comments.

If you find those 10 SLS2S a bit easy, they shouldn't be.  Vets will want to carry a weight in order to make these more challenging and gain the most benefit from them. Carry the weight in the hand opposite of the leg doing work. It's best if carried in the racked position.

We are ONE week from our third annual RX+ week.  It starts next Monday.  Are you ready?

Rx+ week is where we take our health and fitness up a notch by completing a week of challenging 2-a-day workouts. One workout is our regularly scheduled workout in the gym. The other is offered off-site 2 times per day.

Shirts this year will be similar to 2012.

Shirts this year will be similar to 2012.

Since working out alone isn't nearly as effective as combing our great workouts with superb nutrition, we are also challenging you stick to a disciplined and nutritious eating plan during the week. Those who complete this week have truly accomplished something amazing. Something that very few have the courage, or fortitude to endure. There is astounding health in it.

Ever see those "RX+" t-shirts being worn around the gym? Not just anyone can get a shirt like that. You have to EARN one!

RX+ workouts are offered free of charge to members of GPP. To participate, we ask that you formally enroll online (click button below), or at GPP HQ so that we can arrange off-site trainers and facilities.

We are holding an Orientation Meeting Thursday, Aug 7th at 8:30pm for those interested. 

We'll get you a pic of the RX+ shirt shortly.  All T-shirts will be by pre-paid order only.

Pumped to storm this with you again this year!  


Ladder Sprints workout RX+ 2013