30 pushups (strict)
30 straight leg situps
3 sets of 30 seconds ea. piriformis stretch and low back stretch
5-5-5-5-5 sets ea side of:
Single Arm Snatch AHAP
Post weights per set to comments.
SASs are touch and go. In other words, once you pick up the weight you must stay in control of it throughout the set. To put the weight on the ground and re-grip cancels the set. You should start over. We aren't doing 5 sets of 1r here.
To get even more out of this workout it would be good to go immediately from the R to the L. Take your rest after completing both sides.
Rest as much as needed to complete the next set.
Consider re-doing the stretches after this workout. Some of you with a history of back issues might benefit from more piri and low back stretching.
Our 3rd annual RX+ week begins Monday, Aug 11. We won't be posting RX+ workouts on the main blog this year. The RX+ workouts will be featured on a different area of the site and it will be password protected. To join us, you'll need the password to find out workout locations and to know what to expect (how to dress and etc). We will send the password out by email on Saturday. Please get signed up (click button below) so we can know where to send the email.
In case you were wondering ...
Password protecting RX+ week is in response several unscrupulous competitors in the area (and outside).
Look, we are flattered that others would think to use our stuff with their own clientele. They should. GPP works - like NO other! And we are glad they aren't using their own questionable, made up stuff on these good people. But, we draw the line at being complicit in helping them to steal from us.
To the unscrupulous:
That's what it is, when you copy workouts, rename them, present them as your own (without even changing the order of movements), while profiting from them - it's STEALING.
Frankly, we'd have less of a problem with you taking our stuff if we could be assured you were doing it right in the first place. Which you are probably not. The fact is, dishonest people are usually too lazy do all it takes to become qualified to help others. If you are ever able to overcome this laziness, please contact us. We'd love to show and teach you our excellent ways.