Warm-up: 1-3 rounds

10 burpees
1 min rest

Workout: 3-5 intervals (see demo below for details)

  • Begin an interval only after you’ve maintained speed/resistance of your activity at 6/10 for at least 1 min.

  • Increase speed/resistance until you’ve reached 7.5-8/10

  • Recover at previous speed/resistance until you are back to 6/10.

  • Maintain 6/10 for, at least, 1 min before doing another interval.


3-5 min using partner straddle stretch or partner straddle stretch alt.

Post how much time was needed to recover between each interval and time spent stretching to comments.

Workout Notes and Demo:

  1. I know this is a repost. Let’s do it again. Feels right. Let me know how it goes.

  2. GPP HQ is available by appointment only. It is limited to only 4 people per 45 min. Click HERE to make apt.

  3. All gyms across UT and much, much further are banned on account of COVID-19. It’s the responsible thing to do. But, now what are the High Fitness/Zumba/everything else folks going to do? They can do GPP! Please send them these workouts. They are free! They need them.

  4. All workouts will be programmed (complete and balanced as always) with minimal equipment for the foreseeable future.

  5. Hope you’ll try that new stretch!

  6. Also, please spread these workouts around. They are FREE and they’ll help folks. Folks need them (and each other) now more than ever. It’s not lost on me that, I too, am a “folk.” :)

Musings … (from earlier in the week)

We Need Each Other!