GPP Daily Home Workout:

AMRAP 25 min.

5 burpees
10 KB High Sumos 25/35
15 OH DB triceps press 20/25
20 DB conditioning curls 15/20 ea. (R+L=1)
25 goblet squats 15/20
30 crunches

Post rounds completed to comments.

Workout Notes: .

  1. GPP HQ is available by appointment only. It is limited to only 4 people per 45 min. Click HERE to make apt.

  2. AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) Do as many rounds as you can in 25 min.

  3. Vets, aim for 6 rounds in the 25 mins. Rookies, take it easy, or consider stopping at 20 min.

  4. Don't dawdle, stay busy.

  5. If conditioning curls give your elbows fits, do the movements with palms facing up at all times. Also, don’t straighten your arms all the way.

  6. Remember, anything you can do with a KB, can be done with a DB. Bent at the waist, like a deadlift. This is not a squat. Generate the energy from the legs and hips. Keep the elbows high, and don’t bend the wrists.

GPP HQ Weekly Update: