Perform 8 rounds of 20 seconds work followed immediately by 10 seconds rest for each of the following exercises.  Complete all 8 rounds before moving to the next exercise.

plate switches
elliptical 10/12 (speed 65+)
rope jump (double unders preferred)
spin bike sprints
mountain climbers 
box jumps 
conditioning curls 15/20 ea

Workout Notes:

I don't really program Saturday's. It's not that I DON'T program at all. It's against my nature to just throw any old thing out there and let you work with it. But, Saturday workouts are extra credit. If you missed one during the week, I'd prefer that you come in on Saturday and make it up.

If you didn't miss any, the programmed Saturday workout is usually a fairly middle of the road gig.

It'll get you a workout, but I try hard not to leave you limping - much! It might even help you work out some of that soreness from yesterday.

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