With a deck of cards perform exercises as drawn for each of the following:
Hearts = pushups
Diamonds = situps
Clubs = squats
Spades = burpees
Numbered cards are done for reps as numbered
Face cards are 10 reps
Aces are 15 reps
Jokers = 400m run (Winter sub - 2 min hiney RIP)
As soon as 1/2 the class is done with the card - we move on!
Rx is awarded to those who do all the reps on all the cards and finish with the class.
Daily Extras - Add 3 reps to every card that is called - and try to keep up!
Workout Notes:
The record for an entire class completing this workout is 18:28. Not that we are into racing through workouts, or anything. It's just and interesting fact we thought we'd share.
The longest string of burpees for this workout was 42.