Warm-up - 

200 stab crunches
15 OH BB push press 45/65
15 front squats 45/65
200 KB swings 25/35

3 supersets of:

1 min straddle stretch
1 min psoas stretch

Workout - 

10-9-8-7-6 reps per set of: 

thrusters AHAP

post weights used to comments. 

Workout Notes:

  1. Masters: 8-7-6-5-4

  2. We are going to rough up your legs this week!

  3. You don't want to start with the KB swings. Wait to do them until after the crunches. In fact, it'll be best if you perform the warm-up exercises in the order written.

  4. Thrusters are notorious for making your back twinge if you get out of whack a bit (poor form). Be careful with the weight you select.

  5. Because thrusters can be back wreckers (when done poorly) I'm not going to chance a twingy back all week. I'll be shallowing up my squat just a bit. This has been helping me tons lately.

  6. Thrusters are also notorious soremakers. This is redundant, but BE CAREFUL.

  7. Remember, thrusters are about generating drive from your hips to drive the bar OH.

  8. If your hams and glutes are roughed up tomorrow, give us a "HELL YEAH!" in comments.

Musings … (this one needed a repost)

See Kohl’s Story - If you can make it to the end of this story with dry eyes - you are not human. :)

Rules For Not Eating Sweets (This is our family diet).

  1. You may NOT eat anything sweetened for the sake of being sweet. For example, wheat bread has sugar added, but not necessarily for the sake of being sweet. So, bread is OK to eat. However, if it is banana bread, or chocolate bread, or something like that which has the intention of being sweet, you can't eat it. This gets tricky to navigate, but the secret is, when in doubt - it's OUT!

  2. If you have a craving for something sweet, you MAY eat foods which are sweet if they are consumed in their natural form. In other words if you are eating it how it came out of the ground, off the bush, tree, vine, & etc. it's all good. However if you are eating a processed derivative of a food (dried pastes, juices, jams, etc.) it's OUT. This is true even if it says 100% natural. 

  3. You have to follow the plan more often than not! Kohl and I love food. Sweet, sugary delectable foods give us a lot of pleasure and positively add to our quality of life. Neither of us want to live in a world without chocolate cake or cookie dough ice cream. So, we eat them, but only on certain days. We chose Fridays and Sundays as "free days." On those days we eat just about whatever we FRICKIN want. But on the other 5 days of the week, we are very strict.

  4. Major holidays and big celebrations are "Free Days." No, Arbor Day isn't a major holiday.  

So, what do we eat? Well, just about everything that's NOT sweet. Pizza, pasta, casserole, hot dogs, hamburgers, it's all good to go. We don't really hold back from any of it. No, we don't go crazy and admittedly we've found ourselves eating much more cleanly than either of us could have imagined at the start of all this. I think that's just what happens when you are paying attention to your health through proper eating. And the results simply speak for themselves.

Daily Pic …

Answering emails, building pages, organizing the calendar - between sets! She’s the hardest working chic in fitness!

Answering emails, building pages, organizing the calendar - between sets! She’s the hardest working chic in fitness!