Each individual gets to PICK which REPS go with which MOVEMENT. Begin by picking which movement you want to do 100 reps of. Then 90, then 80 and so on down to 10. You may not do the same movement or rep scheme twice. CHOOSE WISELY!

For time:

The REPS are: 100-90-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-10


air squats

KB swings 25/35
thrusters 45/65
power cleans 65/95
calories burned on rower
lunges (R+L=1)

Post rep scheme per movement and total time of the workout.

Workout Notes:

  1. Study the reps and exercises well, friend.

  2. 100 calories on a rower takes a LONG time!

  3. Pro tip: One thing to NEVER do during burpees

  4. How to do a kipping pullup (see vid R)

  5. Power Cleaning for Beginners

HI! Looking for videos, workout notes, daily extras and etc? We put it in the APP (clink a link below).

Get ready for a WHOLE NEW GPP experience? Get the APP!

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  2. Google Play


  • 6 Daily Workouts/Week

  • Workouts are regular GPP Programming (HIIT, Tabatas, strength training, functional training, etc.)

  • Timers in the APP.

  • Extra content only available on the GPP App

  • Community Involvement with other GPPeeps

  • 24/7 Messaging and access to Trainer Tracking capabilities for nutrition, workouts, photos, measurements and body comp.

  • Collect badges for milestones and achievements.

  • Intregation with My Fitness Pal, FitBit, and Apple Watch