Warm-up (choose two):

1 mile run
1600 m  row
1000 rope jumps
75 burpees
200 KB swings 25/35

3 sets of 30 seconds each low back and piriformis stretches

Workout -

5-5-5-5-5 per side:

single arm deadlift AHAP

Post weights to comments.

Daily Extras - Do all of the choices for the Warm-up.

Workout Notes:

  1. You really can't be too careful with these SADs. Start light. Move up in weight only when you are confident/competent with the move.

  2. Rest between sets as needed.

  3. If you are struggling doing these with a bar, use a KB instead.

  4. If you are new, you may want to start with a KB.

  5. Stay plastic with the weights. You might be stronger on the 3rd set than you are with the 1st.

  6. A cool way to do those stretches: If you set a tabata clock and stretch 20s "on" 10s "off," it works pretty well.

  7. Ever fumble with the resistance settings on the rowers? It seems like a good idea to leave them on "10" all the time, but it isn't. Some of us row more efficiently (therefore faster) at a lower resistance setting. The smaller you are, in general, the lower the setting should be. This is especially true over longer distances. For short distances (500 m) you'll get away with pulling a bigger gear (it's an expression), but most of us will do better covering longer distances at a lower resistance level.  

  8. Thumbnail: Folks have asked if the bugs are bad at Antelope Island yet. The causeway is ridiculous, but the island is still bug free.

Musings ...

A Word on Core Training

This is one of those core workouts that is unique to GPP programming.  It's confusing to outsiders because they see the dead lift and instantly think we are training the dead lift only. This is a rookie mistake. Here's the thing, whenever you see workouts where we go unilateral (one sided) we are generally, seeking the effect that it has on your core.  

A strong core is essential to your health and development.   It is primarily responsible for the astounding results we see in strength gains and overall fitness at GPP. We have observed that GPP training prevents injury and advances healing for those with a weak core. It also looks good on!  

While the rest of the world has moved passed specifically training the core, GPP still embraces focused emphasis on core training for its unique effect on our health, fitness and appearance. The popular present day mantra of the health and fitness industry is that one need only to move in effective ways and the core will take care of and strengthen itself.  This is a risky approach.  We have learned that strength gains in the legs and arms will quickly outstrip one's core strength.  This is especially true for those who don't directly train their core.  This compromises your ability to stabilize the core during certain fundamental movement (squats, dead lifts, cleans, jerks, high Sums, KBs, etc.) making those fundamental movements more dangerous to perform and putting you at higher risk of injury. 

We feel a more straight forward (direct) approach of abdominal/core training stimulates more strength and ultimately yields higher benefit with less risk of injury.  Oh, and did I mention - It looks good ON?!