Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 min of:

10 pushups (strict)
10 pullups

Run 800 m after the 5 min couplet.

Complete AMRAP in 5 min of:

20 squats
20 KB swings 25/35

Run 800 m after the 5 min couplet.

Complete AMRAP in 5 min of

10 burpees
10 v-ups

Run 800 m after the 5 min couplet.

Post total rounds from each couplet to comments.

Workout Notes:

  1. The couplets above may be done in any order. 

  2. You only get 5 minutes. They'll pass much sooner than you expect. You can't afford to dink around if you expect to gain benefits today.

  3. Upon returning from your run, simply jump on the first full 5 min clock that you can.

It was a GLORIOUS day on Antelope Island. We had so much fun last week, we had to go back again. What did you get up to this weekend? Post to comments.