Warm-up -
200 stab crunches
30 OH BB push press 45/65
30 front squats 45/65
200 KB swings 25/35
Daily Extras - Only if you HATE yourself.
100 weighted walking lunges 15/30 ea. (1+1=2)
Workout Notes:
You don't want to start with the KB swings. Wait to do them until after the crunches. In fact, it'll be best if you perform the warm-up exercises in the order written.
Thrusters are notorious for making your back twinge if you get out of whack a bit (poor form). Be careful with the weight you select.
Because thrusters can be back wreckers (when done poorly) I'm not going to chance a twingy back all week. I'll be shallowing up my squat just a bit. This has been helping me tons lately.
Thrusters are also notorious soremakers. This is redundant, but BE CAREFUL.
Remember, thrusters are about generating drive from your hips to drive the bar OH.
Notice the weights for the walking lunges. Any time you see "ea" after the weight suggestions, you are expected to do a weight in EACH hand.
If your hams and glutes are roughed up tomorrow, give us a "HELL YEAH!" in comments.