Standard GPP
For time:
pushups (strict)
front squat 65/95
Post time to comments.
Daily Extras: I need you to get 30 min of exercise today. This workout will take some of you less than 15 min. Fill the remainder of your time with cardio. Don’t rest after the workout. Go right into the cardio. Running would be best but you may choose something else. You may choose several things if you wish.
Workout Notes:
It is a short workout today. Pour your heart and soul into this workout and really gas it (rookies ignore). Complete each rep as perfectly as you understand it. Pour on the intensity and then sit back and reap the benefits.
With pushups, try hard not to let any other part of your body touch the floor but your chest, especially your hips. Be sure to get your arms all the way straight at the top of each movement.
Over-emphasize the pullups by pulling your chest to the bar.
Try hard to find benefit in the short stuff. It is there. It just may not be as apparent as with the longer heavy breathers. TYT!
Vets: go at this workout at a copper tasting pace. You KNOW what I'm talking about here.
It’s leg week. Scale appropriately.
Woke up to a miserable, snowy, foggy and cold day. Feb was a rough month for me menatlly and emotionally. Instead of sulking, and whining about the weather, like I usually do, I went hiking instead and things felt a little better. Wild rose trail, NSL, Utah, visibility around 50 ft. We turned around after about 45 min when we saw fresh moose tracks and realized he was close by, but neither of us could see each other through the dense fog. I think that worked in our favor!