Daily Zoom …

Join us for a live daily home workout. Click HERE to join workout @ 8am MDT.

Neil Anderson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: GPP - Monday - "Vintage"

Time: May 18, 2020 08:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81791042295

Meeting ID: 817 9104 2295

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Daily Workout … (If doing at home see workout note #2 below)

Complete 2 Rounds of:

10 power cleans 65/95
40 pass-through step back lunges 15/20 (R+L=2)
10 power cleans 65/95
40 twist crunches (R+L=2)
10 power cleans 65/95
40 GPP mountain climbers (R+L=2)
10 power cleans 65/95
40 twisting good mornings 15/20 (R+L=2)

Post done to comments.

Daily Extras- Add another round.

Open Gym … is still available by apt only during non-coached hours. Click HERE to sign up for open gym time slots.

Workout Notes:

  1. Masters: ONE round only of 7r & 25r. Then, 5 sets of 3 explosive reps (med weight) - bench press.

  2. DB power clean for those doing this at home. Need 2 DBs.

  3. This one will be a bit short. It needs to be short our first time back on the BB.

  4. If your back is fried from Wednesday’s KBs lighten up your PC 45/65

  5. Power Cleaning for beginners. (vid)

  6. Why step back lunges vs forward? (vid)

  7. Do your plank jacks wider than is comfortable.

  8. Stand all the way “UP” on good mornings EACH MVMT.

  9. Ab progressions (vid)

  10. GPP has a special way of doing MTN climbers. Please study the vid & PLEASE don’t do those silly “toe taps” you see on Instagram.

Daily Touch …

Using Your Fitness …

Amy inspires us this weekend! Wrote Amy:

“I used my fitness to go backpacking for the first time in 20 years this weekend! Got lost a bajillion times but we made it home, so I’m happy.”

Coached Class Times …

AM: 5:45, 6:30, 7:15, 8:00, 8:45
PM: 5:00