2 rounds with purpose
20 cross body curls L 15/20
20 single high sumos L 15/20
20 single triceps kickbacks L 15/20
20 cross body curls R 15/20
20 single high sumos R 15/20
20 single triceps kickbacks R 15/20
20 swipers (R+L=2)
Post Rx to comments.
Then ...
3 rounds with great form:
20 sit & reach situps 6/8
20 V-twists 6/8 (R+L=1)
20 counts - stability planks
20 stability sideups R
20 stability sideups L
20 uni hip-ups R
20 uni hip-ups L
Post Rx or reps missed to comments.
Workout Notes:
It's a mashup of 2 different workouts. I took some volume off of each. What this means is you'll have to use more intensity (vets only) to get the most out of these.
How to increase intensity? First of all, form up. Really squeeze each rep. If that's not doing it, increase the weight you're using.
Note I changed the R+L designation for swipers. Explanation in GPP TV vid.
I know these ab workouts get boring, but they are good for you. You need them. These Thursday workouts are the reason we don't get chronic back issues at GPP. Yes, a few of you have had a sore back here and there, but not like the have at other places. Other places are wrecking folks. If they had an ab/core day, they'd have a lot less of this.
OYC means On Your Count.
Thoughts On Our Ab Workouts
Strength Bias: Squats & Pulls
Warm-up -
800 m run
50 squats
50 mid cable rows 7/10
Workout: 5 rounds of
5 back squats AHAP
5 lat pull-down AHAP
15 DB bent rows (slow) 15/20 ea.
Post weights used per set to comments.
Workout Notes:
Not on the clock during the workout. Just stay busy.
Staying busy should keep you HR up a smidge. It’s intended but not at the expense of the HEAVY!
Before you perform your first “work set” take 2 or 3 warm-up sets with a lighter weight of each movement.
Perform HEAVY reps at high speed without sacrificing form.
Perform the warm-ups by progressively getting faster and faster. Not to the point of poor form though.
Perfect form on those back squats! If you have a little back trouble, keep the movement a little shallow today. We have a VERY long time to get lower and lower. It’ll come. Don’t force it today.
A lot of you didn’t do this one last Thurs. Let’s do it today to balance last week out. PROGRAMMING!