Daily Live Workout … Click HERE to watch the workout!
(start recording at 7:15 min.)

Daily Workout …

2 rounds for time.

35 KB swings 25/35
35 V-ups
35 KB swings 25/35
35 pushups
35 KB swings 25/35
35 DB lat pullovers 25/35
35 KB swings 25/35
35 squats 
35 KB swings 25/35

Post time to comments.

Daily Extras -

Run a timed mile. Post time to comments.

Workout Notes:

  1. Masters: 1 round only please. If you must do more, make it another round with half the reps.

  2. Kettlebells should be snapped up with the hips and snapped back at the navel. At NO TIME should your KB coast.

  3. If you feel your form unwinding, stop. Rest. Then, go some more.

  4. This will be short for a couple of you. If you are one of those who will go under 20 minutes, you'll need to do this at "Ludicrous Speed." Like, seriously. You need to go fast. Then go straight into those rope jumps.

  5. Be careful with those pullovers. Study the video. Think about contracting the lats. If your shoulders are pinchy, skip them and do mid-band pulls.

Return to Real Podcast …

Got to circle around with Dan John (my living H&F idol) about the state of American health and fitness during these weird times. You are going to love his very positive answers! We covered a lot of other things (10k KB challenge and etc. Hope you’ll give it a listen and sub!

T-shirts are ready to order!

  • If you are a paid member of GPP Fit HQ, this is our gift to you (please select the FREE option). Please look carefully for the FREE OPTION. If you make a mistake and purchase one, we can’t make refunds. You’ll still get your free one thought! :)

  • If you are off-site please feel free to purchase. We can’t wait to get them shipped to you. Please allow a couple of weeks from ordered until sent. We are having them made sometime next week.

  • 2 styles, many sizes and 4 different colors to choose from!

  • Shirts are $22.50 + shipping. Click HERE (or pic below) to order.

Ladies style front

Ladies style back

Unisex front

Unisex back

Daily Touch …