4 rounds for time:
25 ski squats M/H
25 V-ups
25 squat box jumps
25 power cleans 65/95
400 m run
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Workout Notes:
Yes, we were going to do Fitzoner today! And if you didn’t know, I’m sure you felt it coming! But, the weather is going to be a problem today. Look for it soon though!
Sometimes squat to box jumps can get a little sloppy. It's better to rest a little between (I know we are going for time) reps than do sloppy reps.
If you don’t have a resistance band, Ski Squats can be done using DBs 10/15. Row them like a bent row only you end up in a slightly more upright position.
You may also use the cables on the Smith machines.
Back straight on power cleans. 100 of those at a heavy-ish weight will get you.
Take note, we replaced the 250 m row with a 400 m run for today.