5 rounds. Each movement is deliberate.
5 chinups
10 DB biceps curls (strict) 15/20 ea.
15 Aussie pullups
250 m. row
Post Rx to comments.
Daily Extras -
1 mile run - stop EMOM to do 20 squats
Workout Notes:
Masters: 3-4 rounds depending upon how you feel.
We denote chinups as strict with a reverse (palms toward you) grip.
Go heavier on the DB curls if you can.
If you are new to Aussies, half them.
Throw down that 250 row - HARD! It's a flat-out sprint.
Lift Club:
Warm up: (2-3 rounds):
30-40 sec each of shoulder stretches (as above)
10 kb swings 35/54
7 pushups 2 row 15/20 ea.
400 m run
In order listed, complete 5 straight sets each. Rest 2 minutes minimum between each set.
3 bench press AHAP
5 back squats 95/135
4 OH BB press AHAP
Post weights used per set to comments.
I feel so very good lately. I look forward to workouts and feel better than I have in years. Just yesterday, I did the workout around noon, I came back to train the 5pm at HQ and thought to myself, I should do it AGAIN! I didn’t, but you should know, this is rare for me. I blame “Lift Club.” If you are over 40-45, you should be doing this. Above is MY workout in case you are wondering …