AMRAP 25 min.

5 burpees
10 KB high Sumos 25/35
15 OH DB triceps press 20/25
20 DB conditioning curls 15/20 ea. (R+L=1)
25 goblet squats 15/20
30 stab crunches 

Post rounds completed to comments. 

Daily Extras - Take a 2 min cool down then complete 1 more round with AHAP weights.

Workout Notes: 

  1. Masters: 20 min

  2. Open Gym is available. Please message us on FB.

  3. This workout was created in the Marriott Marquis in San Francisco.

  4. Kate (creator) got 6 rounds in the 25 mins.

  5. If doing the Extras, don't doddle on that AHAP. Begin immediately at the 2 min mark. This means you'll need to be prepping for it during the 2 min rest.

Musings …

For our 10 yr anniversary (Aug 1), we are bringing back RX+ week! Here are some details!