Daily Extras - Burp-O-Rama II
EMOM for minutes 1-5 complete:
13 burpees
EMOM for minutes 6-10 complete:
12 burpees
EMOM for minutes 11-15 complete:
11 burpees
EMOM for minutes 16-20 complete:
10 burpees
Post "Rx" or reps missed to comments.
Workout Notes:
Did you see this coming?
Careful now, that’s 200 burps! Not everyone ought to try to get all of these.
NEVER clap a burpee. Clapping a burpee causes gobal warming (Al was wrong). Clapped burpees cause the price of gas to go up. Clapping burpees cause airlines to charge extra fees and to decr leg room on flights. All of this is indisputable.