10 power cleans AHAP
50 tic tocks R 25/35
10 power cleans AHAP
50 tic tocks L 25/35
10 power cleans AHAP
50 V-ups
10 power cleans AHAP
50 V-twists 15/20 (R+L=2)
10 power cleans AHAP
50 situps 

Post weights used to comments. 

Daily Extras - complete 3 rounds: 

15 lat pull downs (heavy)
15 BB bent rows 95/65

Workout Notes:

  1. We’ve done a lot of V’s this week. It’s CORE week! If your tailbone is sore, sub for situps on a swiss ball and/or crunch twists.

  2. It'll be good to get back on a heavy bar today. Cleans are terrific for your core!

  3. I struggled leaving "AHAP" as an intensity suggestion today because there are so many of you who are new here. I'm going to leave it because I don't believe in "programming down" to people. Doing so is the trainer equivalent to talking down to someone. I think better of you than that and want to treat you with the respect you deserve. That being said, remember, 50 power cleans is NO JOKE. Go heavy enough to stimulate fitness - no more. And for the new among us, welcome, I'm glad you are here. Be careful. If you are unfamiliar with this lift please choose a weight that can't hurt you and just drill the movement. Use DBs if you need. 

  4. You're not on the clock today, but stay busy.

  5. Don't skip around much. It's best to start at the top of this one and just chip away at it.

  6. You only get 50 tic tocks go heavier if you need, unless you did a bunch of them yesterday. If this is the case, maybe skip them altogether. 

Podcast on the science of sleep

Joe Rogan’s podcast is crude and uses foul language. I wouldn’t point you to it if this interview wasn’t so fascinating! Seriously you will learn more about sleep in this podcast than you ever thought.

Matthew Walker is Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and Founder and Director of the Center for Human Sleep Science. Check out his book "Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams" on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1501144316

Thanks DW for passing this along to me.