You have 5 min to complete the series below. Your rest is commensurate with finish time. A new series begins every 5 min. Complete 4 series of work.
35 press jacks 15/20 ea.
35 squats
35 v-ups
35 bent rows 45/65
Post rest times per series to comments.
Daily Extras -
- Using your own clock, a new series begins every 3:20.
- Complete 5 series of work.
- Jog 1 mile after.
Workout Notes:
- It's the V-ups the get you on this one.
- You may use monkey motion on the bent rows.
- Do the BRs with palms facing away from you as demonstrated in the vid (just for today). It places more focus on the biceps.
- 2 minutes is too much rest for this workout. It was designed for 60-90 sec rest. If you are getting more, consider the extras.
- Please post those times to comments. Want to see how this is making ya'll feel.
- Especially post if you did the extras.
Foxley sent this while using his fitness this weekend!