35 min AMRAP.

400m run
25 ski squats M/H
25 DB alt. conditioning curls 15/20 ea. 
25 tap down crunches
2 min plate switches
25 triceps cable press downs 4/8

Post rounds completed to comments. 

Daily Extras - Add 10 min. 

Workout Notes: 

  • I like to come back to new workouts within a week of introducing them so we can all gain a bit more experience with them. Then, I'll put it away for a few weeks/months/years. :)
  • Fair warning: it's a LOT of cardio. 4-ish miles for some of you.
  • If you need more (cardio) try stacking 2 plates or try this.
  • Minimizing shoulder involvement here to make room for Th & F. 
  •  No cables? OH DB triceps ext. for you.
  • I'm a little iffy on the weight suggested for triceps press downs. Experiment with the weights. Let me know what you settled on (in comments). Weight should be just barely manageable on your first set of 25. The next set may not be. That's fine. 
  • Tap down elbows and toes on EVERY crunch. 
  • Pelvis and shoulder blades and pelvis come off with EVERY crunch. 

Those cables are great finishers. (Ashley & Tara)