Daily Workout

4 rounds for time:

25 ski squats M/H
25 V-ups
25 squat box jumps
25 power cleans 65/95
250 m row

Post time to comments.

Daily Extras - Do the “Burpee Challenge”

Rookies complete - 10 burpees
Experienced Peeps complete - 15 burpees
Vets complete - 20 burpees

Workout Notes: 

  1. Masters: 3 Rounds, 20 Reps

  2. Sometimes squat to box jumps can get a little sloppy. It's better to rest a little between (I know we are going for time) reps than do sloppy reps.

  3. Ski Squats can be done using DBs 10/15. Row them like a bent row only you end up in a slightly more upright position.

  4. Back straight on power cleans.

Yoga night at GPP!

Daily Pic

300+ miles of off roading this weekend and she never looked better!