Rotate through the following 3 exercises x 8 rounds. Every :30s you should be doing a different exercise. It is NOT all three exercises every :30s.
8 front squats 65/95
8 pullups
8 OH push press 65/95
Post weights used to comments.
Daily Extras -
500 rope jumps
2 laps elliptical 8/10
4 min spin bike
Workout Notes:
- Experiment with the weights. Crazy Eights should leave you in a writhing pile of muddled sweat and tears by the end. 65/95 will not serve the saltiest of vets.
- Remember, this is a 12 minute all out blow! Push yourself (vets only).
- Post weights used to comments.
Challenge Mode
Just wanted to thank you for your help getting me back onto track with this challenge. Your words, energy and experiences have really motivated me. I started the "No Sweets" thing again (after taking October off) last Monday. Am down a solid 4 lbs today. Super excited about that.
I was surprised just how fast I was able to get off sweets again. As I mentioned before, the first time I got off sweets, I was Jones'n for the better part of 3 weeks. Constant trips to the kitchen peering, first into the fridge, then the bread cabinet, then the cereal closet had me wearing a path through the hardwood. But this time, I had about a day of that and popped out of it. So cool.
One thing I did notice is that I lost a little fitness through Oct. I'm not sure if that had anything to do with the daily sugary treats or not. I just noticed that I'm not recovering as quickly from the workouts. My biceps got pretty sore from a shaping workout I did Saturday morning. It was a pretty mundane workout for me. Can't believe how wrecked they feel. Then again, I've had a pretty rough and stressful October. May have had more to do with it.
So anyway, this is my essay this week. Excited to read yours. I have to tell you, I love this. Srsly. I have a lot of energy going into this holiday season. I have you to thank for that. Thank you for your efforts in helping push me. I needed it.
Have some really cool stuff coming up at GPP. Some cool new changes and even an expansion (or three). Can't wait to tell you more about it. It'll be official in December. I can go into more detail then, but for now, just know you might be seeing a lot of folks come and go over the next couple of months. Our method is going into a cool new gym being built in the Sugarhouse area. Likely, it will be in the New England area too! I'm heading out to the New England area this week to check it out. If you are in the area (I know a few of you are) would love to meet up and storm a workout with you!
GPP OK rocking Halloween '16!