10 power cleans AHAP
50 tic tocks R 25/35
10 power cleans AHAP
50 tic tocks L 25/35
10 power cleans AHAP
50 V-ups
10 power cleans AHAP
50 V-twists 15/20 (R+L=2)
10 power cleans AHAP
50 situps
Post weights used to comments.
Workout Notes:
- It'll be good to get back on a heavy bar today. Cleans are terrific for your core!
- You're not on the clock today, but stay busy.
- Don't skip around much. It's best to start at the top of this one and just chip away at it.
- You only get 50 tic tocks go heavier if you need.
This is my fav wall saying (right now) do you have one? Post fav to comments.