10 rounds for time:

10 KB side step swings 25/35 (R+L=1)
10 KB juggles 25/35
10 KB reverse woodchoppers L 25/35
10 KB reverse woodchoppers R 25/35
10 KB pushups 25/35
10 KB halos 25/35 (R+L=1)

Post time to comments.

Your challenge today will be just keeping a hold of that KB.  Your grip is going to be SHOT.  Our suggestion:

Form up!

Use your hips to drive the bell up, not your arms, back and shoulders.  Doing so will keep hand fatigue to a minimum.

Also, there is no need to death grip that KB.  Relax, man.  It's not going anywhere.  Find little places to rest during the movements.  The top of each movement will give you a small opportunity to relax and pump your hands - ONCE.  Take each opportunity you get.  The pushup is strategically placed.  It's the only move without a gripping pull in it. Move it a round a bit if you need to.  If you need it right after the juggles instead of after the woodchoppers - cool.   

Also, how about them HALOs!

Have you noticed we've been coming back to recently completed workouts more quickly?  That's because we've created a lot of new ones lately.  

We like to circle back to newer workouts more quickly, so that we get some more experience with them before memory fades and forces us all back to square 1.   It occurs to us that workouts aren't much different than butts in saddles.  

When I was very young, I painfully asked my farmer/rancher/horseman father, on the second day of a cattle drive, "How do I make my butt less sore from the saddle?" 

"By spending more time in the saddle, Son." 

That kind of logic carries, man. 


3 generations of Utah Jazz Dancer GPP!  (Sam, Chelsea, Alexia)