Complete 5 sets of each of the following. Rest 90 sec between each exercise.
10 DB skull crushers AHAP
10 side lateral raises AHAP
10 BB biceps curls AHAP
10 dead lifts 95/135
Post weights used to comments.
Today's "GPP Standard" Challenge
"Do it doucement" (You probably saw this coming.)
2 rounds of:
5 pullups
10 situps
15 pushups
20 squats
You are to complete all reps today very slowly using a 2-2-2-1 tempo.
2-2-2-1 denotes the counts you should use for each rep of an exercise.
The first number (2) is the eccentric, or lowering part of the lift. 2 full counts here.
The second number (2) is the pause at the midpoint. 2 full counts here.
The third number (2) is the concentric part, or lifting part. 2 full counts on the up.
The fourth number (1) is the pause at the top of the movement. 1 full count here.
Using the pushup as an example:
Starting at the top of the pushup, body in full plank, arms extended, lower your chest to the floor counting "one thousand one, one thousand two." Pause for two counts with your chest held 1 inch above the floor. Push back to the starting position using the same "one thousand one, one thousand two" count. Hold the top position for 1 count. Repeat.
Post "done" and comments about your "GPP Standard" activities this week to comments.
HELLth Week T's are in! Come and get them. We'll be mailing the off-site's within a day, or two.
Yep. That about sums up our week.