On Trainer's Count -Complete 6 rounds of each triplet.  Each triplet is done individually. 

12 back squats 45/65
12 biceps curls 45/65
12 OH BB press (strict) 45/65
30 sec rest


12 straight leg deads 45/65
12 skull crushers 45/65
12 v-ups (slowly 3-0-3-0)
30 sec rest

Post Rx or completed reps to comments.


During the 0715 today I was lucky enough to notice Kendra doing her 300 jump ropes.  She was absolutely flying and it took me aback.  

It made me realize that jumping rope has become somewhat ordinary for me.  I realized after seeing her plow this portion of the workout (actually she plows through every portion of every workout) that I have been dogging it in terms of effort when it comes to this movement.  As I looked around, it appeared that I might not be totally alone in this.  

Intensity is the key aspect of any workout.  Increasing intensity, once you have progressed to veteran status, is almost always preferable, in terms of benefit, to increasing the volume of a workout.  I can't think of where I heard this, but please commit it to memory.  
"MORE is not better - BETTER is better!"

Kenny does it BETTER!