Warm-up - 100 KB swings 25/35



biceps BB clean curls AHAP



kipping pullups

Post weights per set and strings of kips to comments.


After the warm-up, feel free to superset these exercises today.  Just make sure to get all the rest you need to give each set your best effort. 



- Sub a band pull down for kips.  Put a lot of body into this movement.  Also, go much heavier than if you were using strict form. 

- You'll need heavy DBs for clean curls.  Hint: clean curls work best if the weight is too heavy to achieve the lift with strict form.  Jump them to the "up" position and lower in a 3-4 count. 


Tucson Triathlon Pics


To get more out of your SLDs, kick the trailing leg as high as is comfortable.  Bec boggles the mind here.