30 pushups (strict)
30 straight leg situps
3 sets of 30 seconds ea. piriformis stretch and low back stretch
5-5-5-5-5 sets ea side of:
Single Arm Snatch AHAP
Post weights per set to comments
Seems like we are getting a lot of Tuesday skippers. It is a shame. Wanna know what all the superfits at GPP have in common? They do Tuesdays.
Super Tuesdays - by Neil Anderson
GPP Fit for Teens - (Class is coordinated through Centerville City) - A great way for teens 11-18 to get strong, build some muscle and feel great! This one hour, 8 week class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:00 pm. Class begins February 7. Classes held here at GPP Fitness. To register your child please click HERE.
JMc worked so hard on the HSPUs that he broke vessels around his eyes and cheeks. I saw this once on CSI Miami...only the guy was strangled...oh, and he didn't make it.