Viewing entries tagged
PR row


PR Row, Squats

Warm-up -

50 side step KB swings 25/35
50 box jumps
50 situps

Workout -

Complete 3 attempts at your PR for:

10 front squats AHAP
500 m timed row 

Rest as needed between each exercise.
Post time from each row attempt and weight of each FS to comments.


Alts for off-site row would be:

ski squats M/H, or
high Sumo 35/53.  

1 pull = 10m.  Do your best to complete the rep to the best of your ability.  Many times folks are temped to short movements when performed for time.  


Are strict pushups from your knees too easy and from your toes too hard?  Angie C. and Amy have been doing THESE.  They are amazing for your core!


Candice lends her voice to National Gun Appreciation Day.