Complete 4 rounds of the following triplet before moving on:

20 KB swings 25/35
10 Plank complexes R
10 Plank complexes L

Complete 4 rounds of the following triplet before moving on:
20 Stab ball pikes
10 Tick tocks R 25/35
10 Tick tocks L 25/35

Complete 4 rounds of the following triplet before moving on:
20 Stab back ext.
10 Moving planks R
10 Moving planks L

Complete 4 rounds of the following triplet before moving on:
20 Tap-down crunches
10 KB snatches R 25/35
10 KB snatches L 25/35

Today I became inspired by smokers. It didn’t really work out …

<p>Hello, World!