
4 sets of 25 jumping jacks
1-3 min anchored hamstring stretch
1-3 min ea. psoas stretch


10 KB swings 25/35 on min 1
15 KB swings 25/35 on min 2 
20 KB swings 25/35 on min 3
25 KB swings 25/35 on min 4
30 KB swings 25/35 on min 5
30 KB swings 25/35 on min 6
25 KB swings 25/35 on min 7
20 KB swings 25/35 on min 8
15 KB swings 25/35 on min 9
10 KB swings 25/35 on min 10

Rest 2 min,

10 burpees on min 1
11 burpees on min 2 
12 burpees on min 3
13 burpees on min 4
14 burpees on min 5
14 burpees on min 6
13 burpees on min 7
12 burpees on min 8
11 burpees on min 9
10 burpees on min 10

Post "Rx" or reps missed to comments

Workout Notes and Workout Demo:

  1. GPP HQ is available by appointment only. It is limited to only 4 people per 45 min. Click HERE to make apt.

  2. Masters: do 5,6,7,8,9,10,10,9,8,7,6,5. You’ll thank me for this.

  3. You’ll need to get on your horse to get all of those burpees done.

  4. Anything you need to do with a KB can be done with a DB.

  5. Gotta stay on those stretches.

  6. Pro Tip: One Thing To NEVER do During Burpees

  7. In life: you are either doing burpees, or they are doing you!

  8. Thumbnail pic @iambethnelson

  9. See vid below for Workout Demo:

Musings …

I Found the Cure for the Pandemic

Return to Real Podcast:


It is a crazy time right now, but how is your health in the midst of all of the chaos? Dan John talks with Return to Real host Neil Anderson via phone to address how to remain calm and active in a time of extremely high stress and uncertainty.

Find Dan at danjohn.net.