Daily Workout …
3 - 5 rounds of:
8 shoulder weighted split squats R 15/20
8 shoulder weighted split squats L 15/20
20 plate switches (R+L=1)
1 min rest
3 - 5 rounds of:
8 uni OH DB press R 15/20
8 uni OH DB press L 15/20
20 MTN climbers (R+L=1)
1 min rest
3 - 5 rounds of:
8 high weighted pulls R M/H
8 high weighted pulls L M/H
20 v-twists (R+L=1) 15/20
1 min rest
Post round completed to comments.
Workout Notes …
If you are more advanced do 5 rounds per.
On which shoulder should you hold the weight while doing the squat? Don’t care. Just make sure you switch, when you switch legs.
No “dip drive” on the OH.
If you have access to a gym, you may use a high cable system.
Don’t have a band to anchor from on high? Just use a uni db bent row as alt.
Remember, you take a 1 min break at the end of each round.