Daily GPP Home Workout


3-5 min piriformis stretches


3-5 rounds

15 DB squat 2 twist punch R 15/20
15 DB squat 2 twist punch L 15/20
15 DB dead 2 high elbow R 15/20
15 DB dead 2 high elbow L 15/20
25 V-ups

Post weights used and rounds completed to comments.

Workout Notes and Demo:

  1. GPP HQ is available by appointment only. It is limited to only 4 people per 45 min. Click HERE to make apt.

  2. All workouts will be programmed (complete and balanced as always) with minimal equipment for the foreseeable future.

  3. Also, please spread these workouts around. They are FREE and they’ll help folks. Folks need them (and each other) now more than ever. It’s not lost on me that, I too, am a “folk.” :)

  4. Not finding that piriformis? Try hitting it with a foam roller. PRO TIP: How and Why to Use a Foam Roller.

  5. It’s a LOT of squats and deads. Be careful with them.

  6. Pad your tailbone. It won’t stand up to all those Vs on the carpet.

  7. See workout demo vid (below) for more explanation.

Kid’s Workout …

Strung out mama: “Please tell me he put up another workout for kids today!”
Me: I got you!

I’ve been doing these kid’s workouts for years. Never shared them with anyone! Am happy to share them now. Will do so 2x/wk for the foreseeable future. Please help me spread it around. Kids need this stuff and the adults … well, they need this stuff too!

Musings …

Community is KEY! Please let us know (posts and pics) how you are doing and what we can do to support you! Send pics to neil@gppfitness.com, or facebook @gppfitness or instagram @gppfit. We’d love to highlight you here on the site.