Warm-up - "Half Heartcha"
Begin with 2 reps. Add 2 reps per minute for as long as you are able. Once you max out, take a minute off and then go do the "Puffs and Pushes." Exercise is:
DB floor to OH 15/20 ea.
Post highest round completed.
4 rounds for time:
300 rope jumps
250 m row
20 bench dips
20 pushups (strict)
20 OH DB push press 15/20 ea.
Post time to comments.
Daily Extras - Go back down the hill with the warm up! Here are the instructions for the whole thing:
Begin with 2 reps. Add 2 reps per minute for as long as you are able. Once you max out, take a minute off and then go back down the hill. Begin with the number you maxed out at and subtract 2 reps per minute until you you have completed your final 2 reps.
Post highest round completed and how far back down the hill you came. Those who complete the last 2 reps in sequence receive the Rx.
Workout Notes:
You might need your own timer today. The main gym clock will be set to go off every min on the min. Problem is, everyone will be getting finished with the "Half Heartcha" warm-up at different times. The trainer will be happy to reset the clock to time the workout after everyone is done with the warm-up. Thing is, if the time starts to run into the next class, the trainer will need to reset the clock to every min on the min again.
The video is a bit outdated, but the info is solid.
It is extremely important that you be careful to stay in neutral spine position today throughout this movement.
Today's workout (like many GPP workouts) is a "Soul Crusher." When we do these types of workouts it is tempting to just push your body to it's outer limits. This is FINE and there can be much benefit in doing this - AS LONG AS YOU STAY SAFE!
Going up the hill is the easy part!
Musings …