1st time through = for time
2nd time through = slow with strict form
25 KB swings 25/35
50 squats
25 KB swings 25/35
50 pushups
25 KB swings 25/35
50 situps
25 KB swings 25/35
50 walking lunges (R+L=1)
25 KB swings 25/35
50 DB floor 2 OH 15/20 ea.
Post time from 1st round to comments. Post RPE from second round to comments.
Workout Notes:
This workout has dual personalities. It is likely to cause your mood to swing.
Yes, it means you have to go through it twice!
It's really 2 different workouts. One is for time; gonna make those lungs burn. The other will make your muscles burn.
How to do strict DB F2OH? Weights must be deadlifted and pressed.
Common Situp Fault Fix - YouTube
Better abs situps - YouTube
Go Ahead and Use Your Arms During Situps - YouTube
Thoughts on GPP Girls …
t think it’s time for something like this! Kids need fitness. Gone (mostly) are the days when children could simply play themselves into shape and speed themselves along the way to health and fitness. Screens have robbed our children of this basic human need.
“So, what I’ll just put little Cindy in dance or soccer and she’ll get all the same benefits!” One might say.
What if little Cindy doesn’t LIKE dance or soccer?
Maybe sports and dance aren’t for every kid, but ANY little kid can pick things up and put them back down! Fitness is cool and effective and efficient.
If your child would like to try this out, our first month is only $25 for the first 20 kids! Hope you’ll join us. See you tomorrow!
Thoughts on Scaling the Bossame Challenge …