Every 90 sec for 15 rounds complete:
20 press jacks 15/20
15 HS DB biceps curls 15/20
10 OH triceps ext 15/20
10 V-ups
Post Rx, or rounds completed to comments.
Note rest times. If you are getting more than 30 sec you need to up your weights.
Daily Extras -
Add 3 sets of 100 double unders (333 singles) to the end of your workout.
Workout Notes:
Almost nobody does this with ONE SINGLE weight anymore. If you are a rook, do it as written. Vets, do it with 2 weights for press jacks & biceps, then drop one for the triceps.
No Masters today.
HS = high speed.
Extend and bend arms fully with EACH REP on the triceps ext.
Alt for press jacks would be to use a SINGLE DB.
Why is it called Jazzed Up? Many of our high output workouts were designed while working with highly tuned athletes, the Utah Jazz Dancers in this case. I trained them for nearly a decade. This workout is named for them.
Musings …