Daily Zoom Workout …

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Daily Workout …

Masters GPP

3 rounds at a moderate pace

20 v-ups
5 burpees
20 tap down crunches
5 burpees
20 bar kicks 25/45
5 burpees
20 uni hipups R
5 burpees
20 uni hipups L

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GPP Standard

4 rounds at a moderate pace

25 v-ups
5 burpees
25 tap down crunches
5 burpees
25 bar kicks 25/45
5 burpees
25 uni hipups R
5 burpees
25 uni hipups L

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Daily Extras - Wherever you see "5 burpees" - make it 10!

Workout Notes: 

  1. GPP HQ is by appointment only. Click HERE to sign up for a 45 min. time slot.

  2. You'll be tempted to try and do this workout "for time." Don't. Remember, today is "CORE" day. You are best served if you take it slower than fast.

  3. In life, either you are doing burpees or burpees are doing you! 

  4. Pro Tip: One Thing to NEVER do During Burpees

  5. On uni hipups: extended leg should hover beneath the level of the knee of the working leg.

  6. Elbows and toes must touch down before each TDC.

  7. You never really realize how much you use your abs during burpees until you pair them with ab exercises! This is especially true of V-ups.  

Tuesday Lift Club …

In straight sets complete:

3x3 lat pulldowns - rest 2 min between ea. set
3x5 mid cable rows - rest 2 min between ea. set
5x2 deadlifts 95/155 - rest 2 min between ea. set

Stretch hamstrings and psoas 3x ea during 2 min rests.

Daily Touch …