Masters GPP

Warm-up -  2 rounds

250m row (half speed)
35 KB high Sumos 35/54
35 KB swings 25/35
250m row (full sprint)

Workout - 4 straight sets of each:

10 BB bent rows AHAP

Post time of full sprint row, strings of consecutive reps for chinups, high Sumos & KB swings and weight of bent rows to comments. 

Standard GPP

Warm-up -  2 rounds

250m row (half speed)
50 KB high Sumos 35/54
50 KB swings 25/35
250m row (full sprint)

Workout - 5 straight sets of each:

10 BB bent rows AHAP

Post time of full sprint row, strings of consecutive reps for chinups, high Sumos & KB swings and weight of bent rows to comments. 

Daily Extras - SAVE GINA!

Complete as many as possible. Posted reps are the only ones that count toward the RANSOM!

900 burpees
400 miles run
2019 pullups
5000 squats
2500 pushups
5000 situps
2550 lunges

Update coming soon! I actually think the burpees are done after ONLY ONE DAY!

Workout Notes:

  1. 250m row half speed? - Focus on getting the most out of your row.  Use THIS video for reference.  Remember, legs - hips - then arms.  Longer strokes are faster, generally.  You may consider slowing your stroke to get the most out of each pull.   

  2. Also, 5 reps of chinups might not be enough to tax your system sufficiently today. If this is you, add weight to the pullup as opposed to incr'g reps. 
    Complete the warm-up top to bottom as written.

  3. We don't advise super-setting the chinups with the bent rows since both are using agonist muscle groups.

  4. I think the term "agonist" is well named.

Musings …

Update + Down Memory Lane with Gina


Join us at “Lift at Station Park!” For “STAB Medley” this Saturday May 25th @ 0845

GPP will be starting classes soon! We are predicting June 1st! Excited to be working with Jake and Kim!

Amazing Facility!