Daily Workout …

Masters GPP

Complete 4 rounds

2 min cardio
15 straight leg situps
15 hanging leg raises (knees to shoulders)
15 tick tocks R 25/35 
15 good mornings 25/45
15 tick tocks L

Post "Done" to comments.

Standard GPP

Complete 6 rounds

2 min cardio
20 straight leg situps
20 hanging leg raises (knees to shoulders)
20 tick tocks R 25/35 
20 good mornings 25/45
20 tick tocks L

Post "Done" to comments.

Workout Notes: 

  1. GPP is available by appointment during OFF hours. To register for OPEN gym hours click HERE.

  2. We are going at your abs 2x this week. Happy CORE week!

  3. You're not on the clock today.  Just strive to get this done. It's best if you are operating at a level 7 out of 10 intensity.

  4. Today would be a good day to work on your cardio weaknesses.  IOW do what you like for the cardio portion. Usually we like you to adhere strictly to the programming prescribed since our days build upon each other.  Today, however, since you are not on the clock, and since your only measurement of success is to post "Done" you may switch the cardio portion at will.  Just make a note of it to comments so you'll know how it affected you.  Do not alt or sub other movements - unless you have specific needs. Today I suggest plate switches or run outside!

  5. Last thing. Watch those good mornings! They can leave you hobbling if you don't maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement. If you're not sure if you are maintaining a neutral spine, use the mirrors for help - OR ask a trainer/vet.  

GPP Kids Lift …

To register your kids for “Lift Club” Click the HERE or the button below.

Classes held M,W,F @ 10:30 am through the summer.

$55.00 per month

Daily Pic …

Taken pics of a LOT of sweat angels over the last 10+ yrs. This is our first BAR Sweat Angel!

Taken pics of a LOT of sweat angels over the last 10+ yrs. This is our first BAR Sweat Angel!