Daily Reminder …
Daily Zoom …
Click HERE to watch the workout! (start recording at min 8:40)
Daily Workout …
Join us on Zoom for coached stretching!
If on your own, we recommend hamstring, psoas and low back stretches. 1-3 min ea.
4 rounds with terrific form:
20 KB jacks 25/35
20 side burpees (R+L=2)
20 twisting good mornings 15/20 (R+L=1)
20 cross-body pulldowns R M/H
20 cross-body pulldowns L M/H
Post "done" to comments.
Daily Extras -
Do the burpees as God intended, (R+L=1)!
Workout Notes:
GPP HQ is open by appointment only. 6 people per 45 min. time slot. Click HERE to sign-up!
Masters: 3 Rounds, 15 reps
Don't let the KB swing above your head. Need to keep the lats engaged to safeguard your back. Swing the bell too high and you lose stability. No bueno.
If you have lower back issues, drop KB “jack” and just swing them.
Not getting enough out of those burpees? Try them one legged. Just the kick out part should be one legged. Once your feet come back to the middle land on both feet and initiate the jump phase with both feet.
Twisting good mornings work best with both hands on the DB. Ashley is demoing a great one-armed version. It's the beginner version.
Don't lock your legs straight on the good mornings. Bend the knees slightly, then lock them. Don't squat through the knees. All the bending should be done at the hips. This will ensure max hammy and oblique soreness! :)
Es no bueno to move your feet, knees and hips during the cross-body pulldowns. Initiate all the movement through your core. Lock your hips forward and do all the twisting with your abs. Yes, your arms/shoulders will move for sure, but NO HIPS. If your feet are moving, you are doing it wrong.
No band for the pulldowns? Do 20 swipers instead (R+L=1).
Musings …
This just might be a problem now. We started asking for our equipment back about 2 weeks ago. How would you answer this client? Please leave your responses in the comments.
Daily Touch …
Daily Dish … From Chef Rob!